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Speaker, Entrepreneur, Author, Advocate

 Unleash the possibilities of Free Thought.


Willie is a Speaker, Entrepreneur, Author, Educator and Advocate. Together with his wife, they own several successful businesses. Prior to starting his own business, Willie worked in corporate America for 17 years. 12 years as a Financial Advisor and six of those years in management.


Willie received a B.S Degree in Finance, an Executive MBA and a MA in Religious Studies

Willie was raised in a strict Christian household deep in the bible belt. Church and the faith were the most important part of Willie’s life while growing up. Eventually Willie’s mother became an ordained minister. Willie always had questions and doubts about the faith he was born into. During college he begin to read and research about other religions as well as the origins of his faith. Too afraid to openly question his faith, Willie stayed dedicated to the church. Eventually Willie started to openly ask question about his faith, not receiving satisfactory answers, he started researching deeper.

In 2015 Willie walked away from organized religion and his chosen faith of Christianity. Since then he has done exhausted research on the topic. This research has culminated in his latest released book entitled “From Saved to Sane” My journey away from Christianity and how it has adversely affected the African American Community. Willie has become a fierce advocate for those individuals who may be afraid to “come out” and admit they are no longer “believers” for fear of being ostracized by family, friends and the community. Via research and personal experience Willie learned that the experiences of African Americans leaving religion is more of an issue than with other communities.


Willie's combination of life experiences and education make him the ideal speaker on the topics of Leaving Religion, Freedom from religion, Social-Economic impact of Christianity on the African American Community, Coming out Secular. The emergences of "NONES" and related topics. Along with publishing his first book, Willie has co-authored several articles on the religiously unaffiliated and "NONES". Willie presented his work at the largest religious conference in the United States (AAR). Willie has been featured on the Freedom From Religious Foundation (FFRF) podcast as well as a featured speaker for C.O.R.T conference. Willie has also appeared on numerous podcast and live broadcast. 

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From Saved to Sane

This book examines the Author's journey away from Christianity after spending over 40 years as part of the faith. The book also discusses what the author believes to be detrimental effects of the faith upon the African American community. Travel with the Author as he relives his child hood and young adult life as part of the Christian faith. Read about when he started to have doubts and how he addressed those doubts. Give a critical eye to the points he makes regrading the negative effects the faith has and continues to have on the African American community. A community that as had a special relationship with Christianity since before the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

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My Other Books

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19 Questions

After starting a business from scratch and earning millions over the last 12 years, I reflect on the things I could have done differently. I made a lot of mistakes and there are things I wished I knew before starting the business. In an effort to help others not make the mistakes I did, I came up with what I believe are 19 of the most important questions to ask yourself before you start a business. How you answer these questions will let you know if you are ready to become an entrepreneur. Honest answers or evaluations of the questions are necessary in order to give yourself the best chance at entrepreneurial success

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Upward Journey

The purpose of this book is to motivate, inspire and educate others. I hope to help others to create a road map to success. This book uses the successes and failures in my life to highlight what I believe are important attributes one must have in order to be successful. The attributes listed are by no means a complete list of what’s needed to be successful. What inspired me to write this book? I will try to sum in it up in a short sentence that quotes rather startling statistic. I recently read an article that stated 73% of people believe that their future is control by someone else and that they had little or no input in how their future turned out. That number was 84% for African Americans. Those statistics and that mindset is unacceptable. This book is my attempt to try and change both.

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